The Mission of The Menopausal Mind
The Menopausal Mind is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming space where women can share their experiences and finally be heard.
At The Menopausal Mind, women receive acknowledgement, support, and understanding, while gaining the information and insights they need to make positive changes in their lives and to successfully navigate through their perimenopausal years.
Bev offers women hope, and the reassurance that, no matter how debilitating the symptoms, they will reach “the other side” and will become the best versions of themselves.
About Bev
Bev has spent her career as an educator and administrator of a specialized teaching facility, in West Bay, West Vancouver, which supports neurodiverse learners. While she still oversees the running of Stepping Stones Specialty Tutoring, she launched The Menopausal Mind, in a desire to mentor, guide, and support women through this often perplexing and tumultuous time.
Bev brings to clients the "lived experience" framework, for she navigated through her own challenging menopausal transition. In addition, Bev is a certified Menopause Doula through Doula Canada, as well as a Menopause Coach through Women of a Certain Stage, out of the UK.
Bev emerged from the menopause: stronger, more empowered, and more confident than ever. She now shares her story and provides uplifting insights and menopausal education to women following in her footsteps. She works collaboratively with women through their perimenopausal years and beyond to help them to live their best lives.
Professional Development
Bev continues to further educate herself on the menopausal transition, in order to stay current with the latest research, which enables her to best serve the clients who she works with.
Below is a list of Bev's most recent course work:
Menopause 2.0 By Dr. Stacy Sims, Exercise Physiologist
The Science of Menopause
Interventions (Conventional and Alternative)
Training for the Menopausal Athlete
Nutrition for the Menopausal Athlete
The Empowered Menopause By Carolyn Cowan
The History of Menopause
Spiritual Practices and Menopause
Therapeutic Non-Drug Interventions
Understanding the Mind / Body Connection